12 Marks of a Healthy Board
About This Class
In "Twelve Marks of a Healthy Board," Bert Downs, John Johnson and David Jones discuss characterstics that are essential in choosing board members and structuring how they interact together. They also describe how the board should minister to the staff and congregation and prayerfully lead by articulating a vision.
About the Professor
Taught by a Team
This class is taught by a team of biblical scholars and professors. Below is a list of speakers.
Bert Downs
John Johnson
David Jones
- 0% CompleteHealthy boards understand the roles and responsibilities of a board and of their individual service on the board. They are also mission focused.0% Complete
- Healthy boards are intentional in selection process of board members and have a board manual in place. They avoid spiritual dysfunction, monitor and evaluate results, and ensure adequate resources to accomplish the mission.0% Complete
- Healthy boards use their meeting times efficiently to focus on priorities, and are able to objectively assess their own performance. They care enough about other churches and ministries to collaborate. They also take responsibility for overseeing the well-being of their staff and families.0% Complete
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