
Business as Mission

In this three-session course, Bill MacLeod, founder of Mission ConneXion Northwest, interviews Bill Job, founder of Meixia International. As you hear Bill share how his business has led hundreds of employees to Christ, planted churches, and started ministries, including hiring disabled workers, consider how you can have an impact for Christ in your business relationships.
Number of lessons: 3
Total length: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Format: Video and Audio

About This Class

In this three-session course, Bill MacLeod, founder of Mission ConneXion Northwest, interviews Bill Job, founder and president of Meixia International, a thriving business in China. With the core conviction that eternal things are more important than temporal things, Bill describes how through his business programs hundreds of Meixia’s employees have become believers in Jesus Christ, churches have been planted and compassionate ministries have started, including a program to hire disabled workers from the local community. 

About the Professor

Taught by a Team

This class is taught by a team of biblical scholars and professors. Below is a list of speakers.

  • Bill MacLeod
  • Bill Job
Taught by a Team


  • Bill Job founded a company in China in 1988 as a Foreign Invested Enterprise. Meixia International produces Tiffany and fine glass for export. His vision is to transform people and communities through profitable business. Hundreds of Meixia employees have become believers in Jesus Christ, churches have been planted and compassionate ministries have started, including a program to hire the disabled.

    Bill Mcleod is founder and executive director of Mission ConneXion Northwest.

    Establishing a profitable business is one way to gain entrance and have influence in countries that are otherwise closed and/or hostile to the Gospel. It's important to depend on Christ and have an attitude of stewardship as you make decisions for the direction of the business.


  • God wanted my business to be done well. He doesn't do anything sloppily. He wants to own it, direct it, as one of the systems he has established for the universe by which the kingdom of God enters into our experience on a day to day basis.

  • When you think kingdom, you think about rescuing people. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. The opportunity to be involved in rescue as we ourselves have been rescued, "helicoptered" out of the kingdom of darkness...why wouldn't we want to be part of that?

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