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Curious Christian: Worship is Painting a Picture of Eternity

We're going to have an awesome time together at this class. Now, we're going to paint pictures and we're going to talk about painting pictures of how good God is.  My...
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God of the Middle
5 min read

God of the Middle

Several years ago, while my wife was walking through the airport, she overheard a woman talking to someone on her phone who she was trying to console over some tragedy. The woman said, “honey just read the emergency Psalm 911.” (For those of you outside the US, 9-1-1 is...
Whatever Happened to the Golden Rule?
4 min read

Whatever Happened to the Golden Rule?

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matt 7:12, NIV). In other words, the underlying social ethic that runs throughout the entire Hebrew Scripture with all...
How Hot is Hell?
2 min read

How Hot is Hell?

Heaven is like hell in one sense: it cannot be adequately described (2 Cor 12:4), which is why Jesus used so many different metaphors for both places. Fire (Matt 5:22) Darkness (Matt 8:12) Wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matt 8:12) Destruction (Matt 10:28) And worst of...
What is the Sign of our Salvation and their Destruction? (Phil 1:28)
3 min read

What is the Sign of our Salvation and their Destruction? (Phil 1:28)

In Phil 1:28, Paul is encouraging the Philippian Christians to “conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ,” which means they will stand firm. The verb “stand firm” is modified by two phrases, “striving side by side with one mind for the faith of the...
“Cast All Your (Covid–19) Anxieties on Him” (1 Peter 5:7)
3 min read

“Cast All Your (Covid–19) Anxieties on Him” (1 Peter 5:7)

This verse has always bothered me, partially because my spiritual gift is "worry." I can find more creative ways to worry than anyone I know, and it has been a central task in my spiritual life to learn how not to worry. After all, worry exhibits a serious lack of trust...
Waves and the Virus: Which is Greater? (Rev 1:15)
4 min read

Waves and the Virus: Which is Greater? (Rev 1:15)

John has been exiled to the island of Patmos, a 13 square-mile island in the Aegean Sea. He was “in the Spirit” on Sunday, worshipping God, and all of a sudden heard the voice that he likens to a trumpet and to “rushing waters” (NIV). Perhaps it is because I am...
At the Right Time - Jesus Christ
4 min read

At the Right Time - Jesus Christ

We begin in the garden where God establishes a relationship with his creation in such a way that we know that God is the first evangelist, wanting to be reconciled to a fallen creation. It didn’t take us long to sin. Sin cannot bear the light, so God withdraws behind the...
“Pray then like this” (Matt 6:9)
4 min read

“Pray then like this” (Matt 6:9)

Thank you, Father, that we are not alone, that we are part of your community, your family, adopted along with our brothers and sisters. Thank you that you are a father to us, not some dispassionate deity but the perfect Father who is concerned with the details of our...
Forgiveness and Confession
6 min read

Forgiveness and Confession

Have you ever sinned against a person and never experienced a full release from the guilt? Have you been sinned against and never been freed from the pain? These are two sides of the same coin, but the remedies are totally different. Forgiveness If you have been sinned...
God, the First Evangelist
4 min read

God, the First Evangelist

Sin begins when we attempt to become autonomous from God. We think we can do it on our own steam, out of our own resources. If you read the Bible straight through, Genesis through Revelation, two big sins come at you time and time and time again. The first big sin is...
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